How To Do the Tik Tok Dog Painting Challenge!

How To Do the Tik Tok Dog Painting Challenge!

During my hours of scrolling through Tik Tok one day I came across an art project that I can do with my dog! Since I don’t yet have kids to create pieces of art I can proudly hang on my fridge, I figured my dog was the next best thing. And let’s be honest, arts and crafts done by a dog is much cuter than when it’s done by kids anyway. As it turns out, dogs can create perfect paintings with just a little bit of help from their humans. Today I’m sharing how to do the Tik Tok dog painting challenge with your furry friend. 


supplies used for tik Tok dog painting challenge

The Tik Tok dog paining challenge is simple and inexpensive to do. You’ll only need four materials to create the “pawfect” masterpiece:

  • Paint
  • Canvas
  • Peanut Butter
  • A clear plastic bag

You’ll probably be able to find most of these supplies in your home already. However, if you don’t keep canvases and paint laying around, you can easily purchase them on Amazon.

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How to Complete the Tik Tok Dog Painting Challenge

1. Pick Your Paints

You can use as many or as few different paint colors as you want. I went with three different shades of purple.

I would recommend using at least two colors, but you could use as many as 5 or 6 if you’d like!

2. Cover Your Canvas

After picking your paints, squeeze them out all over the canvas in whatever order you choose. I applied the paint in random squiggly lines all over the canvas.

purple paint on canvas

3. Place the Canvas In A Bag

Once you’ve applied your paints, place the canvas into a clear plastic bag. 

4. Put Peanut Butter On the Bag

Put your peanut butter on the bag in globs making sure to cover the majority of the bag. I went back and added more peanut butter to the bag in areas that my dog missed, as she was “painting”.

If peanut butter isn’t your dogs thing you can also use treats such as yogurt, applesauce, or whipped cream!

peanut butter on top of ziploc bag containing canvas

Note: Gently place the peanut butter onto the bag rather than spreading it. If you attempt to spread the peanut butter you’ll alter the design of the painting before your dog gets to.

5. Let Your Dog Paint

The final step of the Tik Tok dog painting challenge is to let your dog create their masterpiece! Place the canvas in the bag on the ground and let your dog go to town licking off all the peanut butter.

Siberian Husky licks peanut butter off of plastic bag

As your dog licks the peanut butter off the bag, they’ll smudge the paint inside creating a unique piece of artwork on their own!

6. Admire Your Dogs Masterpiece

Once the peanut butter has been licked clean from the bag, remove the canvas and admire your dogs work of art! 

My dog had so much fun creating her very own artwork and I can’t wait to hang it on my wall once it dries.

dog posing with painting made from the tik Tok dog painting challenge

This project was so fun and simple and a great way to give your dog a treat while getting something in return. 

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