Twenty years ago if you had told someone that you had to drop your dog off at daycare, they would’ve looked at you like you had three heads. Today, the concept of doggy daycare is increasingly popular amongst pet parents around the world. Daycare seems like a great option for dog owners who don’t want to leave their beloved pooch home alone all day while they’re at work. However, like most parts of dog ownership, daycare can be pricey. The sky rocketing prices of this industry may have many parents asking if it’s really worth it. Today I’m sharing all the benefits of dog daycare for both you and your furry friend.
Socialization is the main reason that I have found doggy daycare to be such a helpful tool in raising my pup. Dogs need to be introduced to new people, dogs, and environments from a young age or else they are likely to grow fearful of anything that is unfamiliar and a fearful dog can often turn into an aggressive one. Daycare allows your dog to meet new people and dogs everyday (or as often as you take them)! They’ll learn from the other dogs how to play appropriately and they’ll learn from the staff how to take commands from and trust someone other than their human. Allowing your pup to meet new people will make them less afraid of the vet or the groomer and meeting new dogs will significantly lessen their chances of being dog aggressive in the future. Dogs, like humans, want to have friends and doggy daycare is the perfect place for your pup to do just that.
Dogs need exercise to stay fit and healthy. Obesity in pets is one of the main causes of death and can lead to multiple other health issues such as diabetes, orthopedic disease, and cardiorespiratory disease. Allowing your dog to run and play with other dogs gives them a great physical outlet. It’s important for your dog to stay active and is much better for their overall health than laying around and sleeping all day while you’re gone.
Boredom Buster
Dogs are social animals and therefore they get bored being home alone all day! A bored dog is likely to find mischief to get into to cure their boredom. If you find your dog is constantly chewing on furniture or destroying drywall, it’s very likely that they’re just bored. Allowing your dog to get the socialization and exercise they’ll get at daycare will most likely put a stop to all the shoe eating. People are constantly amazed that my Siberian Husky doesn’t ever get into things that she shouldn’t and I contribute that to the five days a week she spends at daycare! She comes home tired and happy and doesn’t need to spend her time tearing up my couch!
Peace of Mind
Leaving your dog home alone all day can cause some guilt for pet owners. Knowing that your dog is safe and happy at daycare can give you peace of mind while you’re out of the house all day. You’ll be able to focus on what you need to get done, knowing your dog is playing with his best pals at his favorite place.
Exercise and socializing were two things I really appreciated you for discussing. One of the things I never want to let my dog experience is loneliness, but there are days when I have to leave it for a few hours all by itself. To make sure it never stays bored and gets a lot of play time, I’ll look for a dog daycare I can bring it to during those days.
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