Is Ice Cream Safe for Dogs to Eat?

Is Ice Cream Safe for Dogs to Eat?

Whether you prefer to stock up on your favorite grocery store flavors or venture out to local businesses, you probably spend a lot of summer evenings enjoying ice cream. The sweet, frozen treat makes for the perfect summer date, vacation snack, or after dinner dessert. Most ice cream locations offer a “pup cup” option which allows you to bring your furry friend along for some summer fun! However, the sugar content and dairy ingredients may have you wondering if dogs should consume the sweet treat. Today we’re answering the frequently asked question, is ice cream safe for dogs to eat?

Can Dogs Eat Ice Cream?

pitfall mix enjoys vanilla ice cream cone

Is ice cream safe for dogs to eat? The short answer is yes. An occasional scoop of ice cream is most likely not going to do major damage to your dogs digestive system. Dogs have been accompanying their owners to ice cream shops for “pup cups” for decades, and while it definitely shouldn’t be an every day occurrence, it won’t hurt on special occasion.

Should Dogs Eat Ice Cream?

Unfortunately, while ice cream is safe for dogs to eat (in moderation), they really shouldn’t have it at all. Ice cream is full of dairy and sugar, two ingredients that aren’t great for our furry friends. 

Dogs bodies were not designed to digest dairy and as a result, most adult dogs are lactose intolerance in some form. The amount of lactose in ice cream can cause upset stomach, diarrhea, and even vomiting. In severe cases, ice cream with a high fat content can cause pancreatitis. 

beagle laying on floor tired and sick

Ice cream is loaded with sugar which can lead to weight gain and eventually obesity in dogs should they have it often. And sugar free ice cream can bring on a whole other issue. Xylitol, a sugar substitute, is often used in sugar free ice cream. Xylitol is incredibly toxic to dogs and can even be fatal. 

Ice Cream Alternatives for Dogs

Before you worry that your pup is going to miss out on summer fun, keep in mind that there are plenty of ice cream alternatives that are perfectly safe for dogs. 

Homemade doggy ice cream is a simple way to let your pup in on the sweet treat. You can make ice cream for your dog with many household ingredients such as pumpkin, yogurt, bananas, or peanut butter. This peanut butter pumpkin ice cream for dogs recipe is one of my pups personal favorites!

Siberian Husky enjoying peanut butter pumpkin ice cream for dogs

Another dog safe ice cream alternative is pupsicles which are made easy with frozen fruit. 

If you aren’t a whiz in the kitchen and prefer a store bought option, there are plenty of dog ice creams on the market. Ben & Jerry’s has recently come out with a line of dog safe ice creams. Frosty Paws are another popular dog friendly ice cream treat. 

Pooch Creamery makes dog safe “ice cream” mixes that you can buy online in a variety of flavors to give your dog a delicious sweet treat.

In conclusion, a little bit of ice cream on occasion is safe for your dog. Stay clear of xylitol and stick to simple flavors such as vanilla. 

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