Star Wars Inspired Names for Your Dog

May the 4th be with you! Today is May 4th, also known as the unofficial Star Wars Day. If you’re a huge fan of the increasingly popular Star Wars movies, then you may want to consider naming your dog after the hit series. Today, I’m sharing 15 Star Wars themed names for your dog.

Star Wars Inspired Female Dog Names

1. Amidala 

Amidala is a leader from the prequels and acts as a love interest for Anakin Skywalker

2. Hera

Hera is a Twi’lek pilot in the Rebels series

3. Jannah

Jannah is a Stormtrooper who aids the resistance

4. Leia

Princess Leia is the daughter of Anakin Skywalker

5. Mara

Mara Jade is a character in the Thrawn Novels

6. Rey

Rey is a female Jedi Master

Star Wars Inspired Male Dog Names

1. Bane

Darth Bane is the Dark Lord of the Sith

2. Bodhi

Bodhi is an empire pilot who defected to the alliance

3. Chewie

After Chewbacca, a Wookie warrior and friend of Han Solo

4. Ezra

Ezra Bridger is a Jedi Padawan from the Star Wars Rebels series

5. Kylo

Kylo Ren is the son of Han Solo and Princess Leia

6. Trooper

Short for Stormtrooper, the soldiers of the Galactic Empire

Honorable Mentions

1. Chopper

Chopper is a droid from the Rebels series

2. Jabba

Jabba the Hutt is a gangster in the franchise

3. Yoda

Yoda is the Jedi Master who trained Luke Skywalker

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