Pumpkin Pie Treat for Dogs

Pumpkin Pie Treat for Dogs
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Pumpkin pie is my all time favorite Thanksgiving dessert and this year I wanted to let my pups experience the yummy treat as well. This pumpkin (or should I say “pup-kin”!) pie treat for dogs is only two ingredients, costs under $3, and only takes a couple minutes to make! If you feel selfish keeping all the Thanksgiving goodies to yourself, then this quick and easy pumpkin pie treat for dogs is for you!

The only ingredients for this treat are 100% pumpkin puree and whipped cream making it the easiest treat you’ll make this holiday season. 

Health benefits of pumpkin for dogs:

Did you know that pumpkin actually has a ton of health benefits for your furry friend? Pumpkin is full of nutrients such as potassium, iron, and vitamins that benefit their eyes, immune health, and skin! Pumpkin can also help aid your pup in any digestive issues they may be experiencing. 

Whipped cream is not a healthy treat for dogs to have all the time, but in small quantities it is perfectly safe for Fido to consume. Plus, it makes a super cute addition to our pumpkin pie for dogs!

This delicious pumpkin pie treat for dogs is simple and cheap, while still allowing your furry friends in on the food coma this holiday.

Pumpkin Pie Treat for Dogs


  • 15 oz pure pumpkin puree make sure it is pure pumpkin and not pumpkin pie mix
  • 1 dollop whipped cream per cup of pumpkin


  • Place a couple scoops of pumpkin puree into plastic cups
  • Squirt a dollop of whipped cream into each cup

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