Protect Your Pet from Blue-Green Algae: What Every Dog Owner Should Know

Protect Your Pet from Blue-Green Algae: What Every Dog Owner Should Know

Thank you to 5Strands for sending me a BlueGreen test to review. All opinions are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.

Summer is quickly coming to a close but that doesn’t mean that the fun has to end. Swimming is a favorite past time for many dogs, even when the weather isn’t necessarily cooperating. If you plan on allowing your pup to enjoy the water until it’s all completely frozen over, you need to be aware of a hidden danger lurking in lakes, ponds, and rivers: blue-green algae. This toxic algae can pose serious risks to your dogs health, so understanding what it is and how to protect them is crucial. Luckily, 5Strands came out with an at home, DIY test that will allow you to test any body of water for the presence of blue-green algae in just 15 minutes.

Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, are microscopic organisms found in freshwater environments such as lakes, ponds, and rivers. Under the right conditions, such as warm temperatures or stagnant water, the algae can bloom and will leave a thick green film on the waters surface.

Not all blue-green algae is harmful, however, certain species of it produce toxins that are harmful to both humans and animals. As humans, we tend to stay out of gross water and we definitely don’t drink it! Dogs, however, are more likely to drink and swim in unclean water, and are therefore more susceptible to the dangers of cyanobacteria. Even in small amounts, ingesting blue-green algae can cause severe symptoms and even be fatal.

In dogs, ingesting blue-green algae can affect the liver, kidneys, and nervous system. The symptoms can vary greatly depending on the type of toxins present. If you believe your dog may have ingested blue-green algae, look out for symptoms such as:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Excessive drooling
  • Seizures
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and gums)

Symptoms can appear within minutes to hours after exposure, and the poisoning progresses rapidly. If you believe your dog may have ingested blue-green algae, and especially if they begin to show any of these symptoms, it is critical to seek vet care immediately.

Luckily, blue-green algae exposure is preventable. And with the use of 5Strands Blue-Green Test, you’ll have no problem keeping your dog safe.

The kit comes with everything you need to test any water source for toxic algae as well as exact instructions to follow. I found the test to be extremely straight forward and easy to perform.

These tests are relatively inexpensive and the kit is small enough to throw into any bag to bring with you on a hike, lake day, or trip to the park.

To purchase your own blue-green algae test from 5Strands, visit and use code thatonedogmom for 10% off your purchase.

Other steps you can take to keep your dog safe from blue-green algae exposure include:

  1. Avoid Suspected Water Sources

Avoid allowing your dog access to any body of water that has a thick, green, scum coating the top of the water. Also be mindful of water that appears unusually murky, or has a foul odor. All of these signs are suspect of blue-green algae.

2. Stick to Well-Maintained Bodies of Water

Fast moving rivers, clear lakes, or dog friendly pools are typically going to be your safest options for allowing your dog to swim. You can also feel safe with bodies of water at most recreational parks, as authorities are required to monitor the water in these areas and post warnings if it is unsafe for any reason.

3. Rinse Off After Swimming

It’s good practice to rinse your dog with fresh water after swimming. This will remove any residue left from harmful algae and keep your dog from being able to ingest it by licking their fur.

4. Provide Drinking Water

You should always avoid letting your dog drink from random bodies of water. Harmful algae aside, most lakes, ponds, and other natural water sources contain parasites and other bacteria that can make your dog sick. Always provide clean drinking water for your dog and offer it often when out and about to discourage them from drinking from the water they’re swimming in.

While blue-green algae poses a serious threat, being proactive and cautious can significantly reduce the risk to your dog. 5Strands BlueGreen test will allow you to keep your pets and yourself safe from any harmful algae so that you can ensure your outdoor adventures remain safe and fun for both you and your furry friend.

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