With Valentine’s Day right around the corner we are definitely feeling the lovey dovey vibes over here so it only seemed fitting that our next dog names list have a romantic feel. If you’re a fan of all things love you may want to consider one of these super cute name pairings for your next doggy duo! Today I’m sharing 10 canine couples names for your next set of doggy lovebirds.
1. Simba and Nala
Both Simba and Nala are popular dog names already, especially for Disney obsessed dog owners! I can’t think of anything cuter than two pups in love named after everyone’s OTP from the Lion King.
2. Mickey and Minnie
If Disney names are your jam, another iconic couple to name your pups after are of course none other than Mickey and Minnie, the head mice themselves!
3. Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet is the original love story. These lovebirds were unfortunately doomed from the beginning, but hopefully your pups love story will have a different ending!
4. Ross and Rachel
Anyone who knows me knows I have an unhealthy obsession with the hit 90s sitcom Friends so of course I had to include the shows most well known couple, Ross and Rachel. Their on again off again relationship had everyone on the edge of their seats during the shows 10 year long run!
5. Jim and Pam
Sticking to the sitcom theme, The Office is another insanely popular TV show from the 2000’s and has had everyone looking for the Jim to their Pam for years following the shows end.
6. Harry and Sally
Nothing screams Valentine’s Day more than a rom cam and When Harry Met Sally is definitely high on the list of most popular! Everyone will know the reference when you introduce your pups, Harry and Sally!
7. Bonnie and Clyde
This infamous couple got into quite a bit of trouble with the law, but are still well known today as being one of the worlds most iconic duos!
8. Jack and Rose
Let’s get one thing clear, Jack definitely could’ve fit on that door. But that doesn’t stop this couple for being the iconic love story that we’re all suckers for.
9. Edward and Bella
Who knew a movie about a vampire and a werewolf could hold so much power over the world? Edward and Bella from Twilight are definitely a couple worthy of naming your dogs after.
10. Gus and Hazel
We can’t ignore the chokehold that The Fault in Our Stars had on us all in 2014. Gus and Hazel are the perfect puppy love type of dog names you’re looking for.