5 Tips to Stop Your Dog From Begging

5 Tips to Stop Your Dog From Begging

If you frequently find your dog hovering around your feet or whining by the dinner table when you sit down for a meal, they likely have a begging habit. Dogs are natural beggars, and their use of “puppy dog eyes” makes it easy to give in. Unfortunately for your furry friend, begging should be stopped before it even starts. Not only is dog begging annoying, it can also create health issues down the line. Break your dogs bad habit with these 5 tips to stop your dog from begging. 

Why You Should Stop Your Dog From Begging

Begging dogs may be cute at first, but when it becomes a consistent behavior, it can get quite annoying. Even if you aren’t particularly bothered by it, your family and friends likely don’t want your dog in their space while they’re trying to enjoy a meal. Allowing your dog to beg with you, teaches them that they can do it with others as well.

Funny puppy poodle dog begging human pizza food.

Aside from being irritating, dog begging can cause some major health issues. Dogs should only eat human food in moderation. Our food is full of ingredients and spices that aren’t safe for dogs to eat. If you frequently give into your dogs begging they’re more likely to have health issues like obesity or pancreatitis. 

How To Stop Your Dog From Begging

1. Prevent it

This may seem obvious, but the easiest way to stop your dog from begging is to prevent them from being able to. Lock your dog out of the kitchen, dining room, or other eating area while meals are being served. 

Use a gate or put your dog in a crate during meal times to keep them out of the room, and therefore prevent the begging before it can start. 

2. Train “Place”

Teaching your dog the command “place” can stop them from begging while you eat. Pick a comfy spot in your house and make it your dogs “place”. This can be a dog bed, a crate, or just their favorite spot to relax.

When you give your dog the command “place”, they should go to this designated spot and stay their until they’re released. 

3. Ignore them

Two dogs sitting behind the kitchen table waiting for food

When you give into your dogs begging, you’re reinforcing the behavior. Giving in just one time is enough to encourage your dog to beg forever. A great tip to keep your dog from begging is to simply ignore them.

When you notice your dog sniffing around you as you eat, pretend they aren’t there. Don’t make eye contact, don’t pet them, and don’t speak to them. Eventually, your pup will learn that begging gets them nothing, and they’ll stop wasting their time.

4. Be consistent

Even if you only give into your dogs begging one out of ten times, you’re teaching them that begging will eventually give them what they want. If you want to stop the begging completely, you have to be consistent.

This goes for friends and family as well. Don’t allow anyone to feed your dog food from their plate, especially when the dog is begging. 

Consider only feeding your dog from their bowl, even for treats, to teach them that their food only comes out of their bowl. 

5. Keep them occupied

Keeping your dog busy and distracted while you eat will keep them from begging. Give your dog an enriching activity to work on during your meal times.

Toys like dog puzzles, Kong’s, or lick mats are great options for activities that will keep your pup occupied and away from your food. 

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