10 Perfect Dog Breeds for First-Time Dog Owners

10 Perfect Dog Breeds for First-Time Dog Owners

So you’ve decided to expand your family and get your first dog. Bringing home your first ever dog can be so exciting but also incredibly overwhelming. Between figuring out a new puppy shopping list and deciding on the best breed, there’s a lot of research that goes into getting your first pup. The perfect dog breed for you will vary greatly based on your lifestyle and what you’re looking for in a dog. However, some breeds are better for first time dog owners than others. Today, I’m sharing the 10 best dog breeds for first time dog owners.

1. Bichon Frise

If you’re looking for a small companion for your first ever pooch than a Bichon Frise might be the perfect pup for you. Bichon’s make great dogs for first time owners because of their loving and playful personality. They tend to be eager to please, easy to train and great with kids. Bichon’s are known for picking their “person” so if you want a dog that will truly be your best friend and shadow they’re a great choice. 

Bichon’s do require an extensive amount of grooming. Regular baths, brush outs, and trips to the groomer are necessary to keep their coat in good condition. Their fluffy and curly coat is a lot of maintenance but it’s also hypoallergenic so they’re a great breed if you’re worried about allergies or shedding.

2. Boxer

Boxers are a great choice for a first time dog owner that is looking for a larger breed dog. Boxers are guardians and their protective nature make them a popular choice for families. If you’re looking for a guard dog, a boxer is a wonderful choice.

They make great dogs for first time owners because they are such loyal and fun spirited dogs. They love to be with their people and are known to be very patient with children. They’re easy to train and generally happy go lucky dogs. They do require a fair amount of exercise but if you and your family live a more active lifestyle then a boxer will fit in perfectly. 

3. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (CKCS) was bred to be a companion dog for King Charles. They are super adaptable and easy to train making them perfect for first time dog owners. They also have an eagerness to please their people so they’ll make a great companion pup for everyone from kids to the elderly. CKCS are very gentle, athletic and intelligent dogs who will fit in to every kind of family. 

4. English Springer Spaniel

For people and families looking for an active first dog breed, the English Springer Spaniel is the perfect choice. These dogs are beyond eager to please and are very happy to listen to and follow their humans. They’re sporting dogs so they’re a perfect choice if you spend lots of time hiking and swimming, but, they’re just as happy to curl up with you on the couch. 

5. Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are America’s most beloved dog breed for a reason. They are some of the most loyal and friendly pups, never meeting a person that they don’t like. They’re known for being obedient and easy to train which is what makes them such a great first time dog breed. 

Golden Retrievers make great family dogs. They’ll have a blast chasing kids in the backyard, swimming in the pool, and playing fetch. 

6. Great Dane

Despite their impressively large size, Great Danes are really just gentle giants. Don’t let their large size fool you, these dogs are some of the best apartment dogs because they’re huge couch potatoes. Danes love to lounge on the couch with their owners and don’t require much exercise at all. They’re sweet and loyal dogs that will fit right in with any family, as long as they have a designated spot on your sofa. 

The one major down side to Great Danes is their life span, as most only live 7-10 years.

7. Labrador Retriever

Labs are the best of both worlds. These dogs love to be active just as much as they love to snuggle with their people. They make great first time dogs because they are loyal and easy to train! They’re great for families and are super outgoing pups. They’ve been the most popular dog breed in America for 30 years for a reason!

8. Papillon

The Papillon is another good dog breed for first time dog owners that are looking for a small breed. Weighing in at about 10 pounds, these small pups are surprisingly athletic and love to play. They are an adaptable breed and can thrive anywhere from an apartment to a farm. 

9. Poodle

Standard, mini, and toy poodles all make fantastic dogs for first time owners. Poodles are known to be one of the smartest dog breeds, making training them a breeze. They love to be active and do well in dog sports such as agility. However, they’ll be happy with regular training and exercise as well. Because they come in 3 different sizes there’s one to fit every kind of dwelling. Their curly coats are hypoallergenic and non shedding but do require regular grooming and upkeep. 

10. Whippet

Whippets are known for being fast and athletic. These little dogs love to run. But as long as you’re giving them plenty of outdoor time they make great house pets, even in an apartment. They love their people and are happy to spend most of the day napping. 

A great perk of this dog breed is that they rarely bark, and their short coats require very little maintenance. 

What breed was your first dog?

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